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 Value for Money  3.3
 Rooms  2.0
 Cleanliness  2.3
 Location  3.0
 Security & Safety  3.0
 Service & Staff  2.8
 Food / Dining  2.8
 Total  2.7

"It's an ok place"

User Rating:  3.1
Reviewer:   Faith M. of Tokyo, Japan
Reviewed:   June 3, 2015  (see hotel reviews from
Traveled:   May 2015     Type:   Active/Adventure
1 2 3 4 5
 Value for Money
 Security & Safety
 Service & Staff
 Food / Dining
Comments  (English):
It was a little difficult to find the place but it's just a short distance from the main road which connects Cebu and Danao. The rooms were ok for the price. The washing and toilet need to be improved though. For a one night stay it was ok.
The staff recommended us to have dinner at a restaurant 5 minutes from the lodge and the food was amazing. I can't remember the name of the restaurant but it's a seaside restaurant, very beautiful

"best price around for basic but fine accomodation"

User Rating:  3.9
Reviewer:   Luc C. of Davao City, Philippines
Reviewed:   July 10, 2014  (see hotel reviews from
Traveled:   June 2014     Type:   Single
1 2 3 4 5
 Value for Money
 Security & Safety
 Service & Staff
 Food / Dining
Comments  (English):
I was here on business nearby and I needed a basic place just to sleep for 2 nights.
Room was clean, personnel nice, price low .. perfect for what I was looking for!

1 - 2 of 2 reviews

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